
Radical Dependence is one of our core values as a church, through which God is shaping us into a people who embody and proclaim the life-giving fullness of the Gospel. A radically dependent people are a people who regularly, fervently, and passionately give themselves to prayer---both privately and corporately.

How to Get Involved

We strongly encourage you to join us for one (or more) of our weekly corporate prayer times in the Prayer Room! To see the current schedule, check the sign on the door of the Prayer Room (opposite the bathrooms). During these gatherings, we read Scripture and intercede for our supported missionaries, FBC ministries, the Persecuted Church worldwide, and the needs within our congregation and community. If you cannot make it to one of the scheduled times, start your own and invite others!

You can also sign up to receive our regular prayer emails (3-4 per week), which include specific ways to pray for these topics and needs.

Prayer Email Signup


Prayer Requests

Fill out the form below to request prayer for yourself or someone you know.

Submit a Prayer Request

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